President - Kimberly Stuhler (41)
1st Vice President - Linda Lara-Guzman (81) 2nd Vice President - Marguerite Blum (512) Secretary - Susan Baker (694) Treasurer - Sherryl Panek (694) Chaplain - Connie Raya (694) Historian - Rosemary Barron (589) Parliamentarian - Robin Falkenberg (512) Sergeant-At-Arms - Stella Perez (589) Asst. Sergeant-At-Arms - Carissa McCann (81) Jr. Past President - Rebecca Glenny (694) Executive Committee - Robin Falkenberg (512) Gloria Galli (31) Jr. Past President Audit Committee - |
Americanism - Carissa McCann (81)
Auxiliary Emergency Fund - Susan Baker (694) Children and Youth - Esther Le Pore (69) Community Service - Sherryl Panek (694) Constitution and Bylaws - Marguerite Blum (512) & Susan Baker (694) Distinguished Guest Chairman - Gloria Galli (31) Education Co-Chairmen - Molly K. Smith (589) Girls State - Linda Lara-Guzman (81) Junior Activities - Carissa McCann (81) Leadership - Robin Falkenberg (589) Legislative - Shelley Steffens (41) Membership - Linda Lara-Guzman (81) Music - Marguerite Blum (512) National Security - Vacant Past President's Parley - Rebecca Glenny (694) Poppy - Marguerite Blum (512) Public Relations - Vacant Resolutions - Esther LePore (69) Veteran's Affairs and Rehabilitation - Robin Falkenberg (512) |